every teen
should know the confience that comes from a stable home
About StarBuilders
The StarBuilders programme enables youth from challenging and complex backgrounds to take part in an overseas build under the Global Village programme. It springs from the observation that the build experience impacts the young in a transformative way and further hopes that this impact translates into positive changes in their lives.
The StarBuilders programme mainly targets at-risk youth, and youth from underprivileged backgrounds. Many young people have the desire to give back but lack the resources to do so, while others have simply never been given the chance to make a difference. StarBuilders aims to provide such opportunities for these youths to empower others and in the process, themselves.
Since 2014, we have worked with youths from AWWA Family Service Centre, Chen Su Lan Methodist Home, Fei Yue Community Services, Methodist Welfare Services, Salvation Army, YMCA & YWCA. If you're from a from VWO or organisation working with youths, we'd love to share more. If you'd like to support the StarBuilders programme, we'd also love to hear from you. Email info@habitat.org.sg for more details.

"During the water break, I spoke to our home partner, Mr Hariyanto. His life is quite hard. Their house have problems with electricity – some days they are spending in the dark, some days in the cold, some days when it rains they can’t sleep as the rain leaks through the roof. Mr Hariyanto really needs a house for his sons to grow up in, a good environment for his sons to study in. His dying wish is to see his sons wearing the square hats (mortar boards), something he was never able to do growing up. I feel so touched and sad at the same time. I've learnt that I should never take things for granted in Singapore."
- Khidir, 16, Fei Yue Community Services

“As a staff member, it was great to see our girls’ attitudes changed during the trip. One of the evenings, they were all so exhausted from the night before but once they were reminded that they were building for someone who otherwise would not have a home, they became so enthusiastic and excited about starting work the next morning. I’ve never seen that side of them so it was really amazing to see that change overnight."
- Xie Lixin, Staff, Methodist Welfare Services
VWO Partners for StarBuilders